Care & Cleaning


As history has shown, a real Persian carpet can live up to 3000 years. He doesn't even need special treatment for this. Excess wool dissolves through even use, the remaining wool is polished, the colors become more subdued and the pattern becomes even clearer and more contrasting.


A good vacuum cleaner is the best friend of the real Persian carpet

A Persian carpet should be vacuumed once a week in the pile direction. You can easily determine the pile direction by running your hand over the carpet. The carpet appears lighter and more flowing and also feels soft in the pile direction, whereas the carpet appears darker and more contrasting and feels rougher against the pile direction.


Professional carpet wash

For domestic use, a carpet should be professionally washed every 7-10 years. Fine house dust settles in the carpet foundation and thus accelerates the wear and tear of the carpet, like an emery paper.
When washing, the carpet is first shaken to remove sand, pebbles, etc. Then it is washed with water and special non-fat-soluble washing-up liquid. Finally you push the liquid out of the carpet and hang it in a drying room. Such a cleaning gives the pile elasticity and new shine and the colors shine more clearly again.


Unser Reinigungsservice für Ihren Perserteppich

Our cleaning service gives your Persian carpet a new shine. We clean and wash your carpet by hand in the traditional way, without damaging the grease coating on the pile.
In order to properly clean your carpet, we need precise information on the degree of soiling from you. You should also tell us the material - cotton, wool or silk. Details about the size of existing stains can also be helpful.

Every carpet is unique, therefore we cannot give exact prices and processing times in advance without your information.
For exact details of the cleaning service and the price calculation, please contact us by phone or email.


Mobile: +49 172 5185453
Phone: +49 40 43181815